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  • Writer's picturePyrrha

What is collection?

In the first week of my Practical Skills For Art and Design class, "collection" became my first theme. As for me, collecting is a hobby and a habit.It may be any kind of object in our lives because everyone likes different. In China, many young people like to spend their money on random boxes (a small random style toy), which I think is a kind of collection.

These are a collection of his favorite toys by my best friend.

On the other hand, I would like to share three artistic works about the collection of the artists.

1.Fragmented installation art from the artist Michael Mapes.She using countless tiny pieces, magazines and accessories, she fixed specimens to form unconnected elements into a fine painting.I think it's a very interesting approach, and maybe I'll consider trying it after that.

2.An installation art from the contemporary artist Thomas Rentmeister.He uses the dull and insignificant objects of daily life to transform into passionate and solemn and lofty art."Non-artist" materials such as shopping carts, potato chips and milk cartons have become humorous and profound independent individuals in the gallery.His work has been called "dirty minimalism".Artists believe that food is the basis of human life, so that food is important for art.In this way, he explores the nature of art.He mentioned "what is real" questions, while reminding us of the beauty of everyday neglected materials or objects.

3.Rachel Perry Welty is a Boston concept artist.She uses daily materials, such as food boxes, aluminum foil, and receipts to reorganize them as camouflage backgrounds, and she herself is almost completely disguised as parts of the background.The humorous visual photography of this series of works gives me a new understanding of the collection.

At the same time, I also collect items in life that I make into a basic postcard, but I think it is just a simple exercise.

That's my idea about this week, thanks for watching!I am Pyrrha, please remember me!

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